Thursday, April 7, 2011

Woohoo! Spring Break!

Since the fire station field trip, we've been putting out fires multiple times a day!!  Here is our pretend firetruck.  I'm in the back of the truck, Carter is climbing up the ladder to put out the fire, and we've got our dalmation with us!!  You can't see this in the picture, but the baseball bat is our hose.  What an imagination.

With the crappy weather outside, I have to keep us entertained....You can't read my captions but basically the boys are fighting for the remote and no one looks at the camera (same old story....)

Andrew and Easton at Kindergym, thanks Danielle for the photo!  Snack time is always Easton's favorite time (although you wouldn't guess it by the looks on his face here)

Aaaaahhhhh, just taking a nap.  He stayed like this the whole nap, didn't even fall over

Guess who?

Spaghetti dinner at our house.  (Also probably the healthiest meal the kids get with hidden carrots, onions, turkey and spinach.  Hmmmmm, anyone got any other ideas of what I can hide in there??  Squash?? Tofu??

Beckett's first bite!!

He was actually more interested in the bib and chewed on that through the meal. Didn't get much yams in him.

Another jog along the water, with Carter this time

My Becks is always happy and smiling

After the jog, Jason says about Carter: "Man, he's got a lot of questions".  I guess he wanted to chit chat with Daddy the whole time while he was running.

Right here by the water is one of my favorite spots in Bellingham.  I love the big concrete blocks that you can just lay on and listen to the sounds of the water crashing against the rocks.

Guess who took this photo?  Carter did!!  The camera is as big as his head, but what great composition!!

After our run, Carter was starving.  We had to go to Kuru (again).  The restaurant is right by the water where we start our run.  I felt so guilty to be eating right after the run, but when it comes to sushi, I can't say no!!!

Trying out the new scooter on our deck.

Firestation Field Trip on March 28,2011

Lining up at the Broadway Firestation, getting ready for our tour!!  (See this disapproving look on Carter?  I get that every time he doesn't get his way.  The more upset, the more crossed over his arms.)

Oohing and aahing over the firetrucks and firemen (oops, that was just me....haha)

I think this was one of the very first fire engines in Whatcom county???

Carter gets a boost up to check out the driver's seat

Mom and Dad tag along on the field trip, so "not cool" eh??

Class Photo

Lovin' his fire chief hat!