Sunday, July 3, 2011

July So Far...

Double fisting it with sandwiches

then he stacked them all to eat!

My sweet bebe

 "Look mom, look how strong I am"

"Wook mom" - Easton hasn't mastered the "L" sound yet so it comes out sounding like "r" or "w"

We spent the day BBQ'ing with friends here at Boulevard Park

Always smiling

Always happy

but once in awhile, he raises his eyebrows and gives this "so not impressed" look

King of the Castle

We took the boys to Zuanich Point to fly kites

Carter thought the kite was cool (it had Batman on it of course)

After about 5 seconds of the kite, the popcorn became the main attraction

We were so busy eating popcorn, we didn't even realize a kite had blown away!!!

3 out of 4 looking at the camera ain't bad (didn't I say the popcorn was the main attraction????)

What a beautiful (but windy) place it was with all the kites in the sky

Having dessert on the deck (one less mess for me to clean up).

but I guess you can't avoid ALL messes with these boys  (sigh....)