Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring Break part 2

We set out for another fun-filled day in Vancouver, this time with all 3 boys.  This time we took the bus then skytrain to Vancouver airport.

We did not know where in the airport we would be able to actually see the planes, so Jason suggested trying the Fairmont.  What a perfect place!  The bar had great view, but because we couldn't sit there with the kids, the hostesses were kind enough to seat us in the restaurant.  The restaurant was actually closed, so we had the whole place to ourselves!!  And so of course, we had to eat LOL

We made ourselves at home - yep, that's Beckett sleeping on the chairs and the two older boys got to roam around abit in this fancy schmancy place.

This was lamb poutine, yummy!  We also had calamari which Easton loved, how funny

Fun cups for the kids.  Who would've thought a place like this would cater so well to kids, we had a great time there

On our bus ride home, the boys discovered their jackets velcroed together where you normally wrap it around you neck.  Once they noticed it on them, they giggled so hard and were such goofs, it was hilarious watching them from across the bus.
On Friday, our family along with Grandma and Grandpa headed out to Central Park.  Jason and I decided to go for a run, thanks to Grandma-ma and Ya-ya for always helping us out!

Boy, was I happy to see these lil' guys at the finish line.  Easton always likes to exercise with me (he does P90X and Tae Bo at home with us too) hehe

Best Buds!