Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mama's Day!!

The boys made these planters for me.  I will try really really hard to keep those fushias alive (No plant has ever lasted more then a week in my care)

Beck's first Mother's Day...I'm biased but what a cute little man, Monsieur Beckett

Some days, I wonder how I got from 0 kids (and a white couch, spotless carpets, pristine wood floors) just 4 years ago to what you see here - three precious little boys (on a not-so white couch.....)  Here's a poem I want to share with moms with OCD like me who are constantly stressed out about the scratches on the hardwood floor and cupboards, the stains on the couches and carpets, etc. (I got this a few years ago when Carter was in daycare.  It had his handprints beside the poem.  It has been the best reminder to me to enjoy every moment, every step of the way)

Happy Mother's Day

Fun in the, well, not sun....

Despite the weather, we decided to hit the beach on saturday anyways.  The boys had been begging for me to blow up the pool so they can play in the water.  I figured this was a good substitute.

Easton enjoyed stomping in the puddles while Carter preferred not to get dirty.

We kept digging where we saw water squirting out of the sand.  The boys' buckets got pretty heavy with all the "treasures" they collected, like shells (but mostly dirt)

"Look at this big one"

This might have been a "I got wet" or "I got dirt on me" or "I need a wet wipe" look.  Such a mama's boy.

Easton liked to wander at his own pace

Becks was giggling and probably freezing

Watching the seagulls flying over the water

Easton managed to keep pretty clean and dry despite all the mud splashing that he did, at least for the moment.....

Is this for real???   Both boys looking at the camera????

A very loving and caring big brother, Easton makes sure that Becks is doing OK.

Easton was digging behind these two rocks for a good 10 minutes.  I'm not sure what he found, but it was hard to pull him away from there

After climbing up a little "waterfall" and under a train bridge, there is a really serene and pretty area.

Here is daddy helping Easton up the waterfall

I set my camera on a rock for this family photo, hoping it would not fall off the rock.  Got it - Phew!!!

Making ripples in the water.  As mentioned earlier, this area is peaceful, that is until.....

Easton fell, face first, into the water and went completely under.  Poor thing, he was so shocked and upset and cold and soaking wet that we had to leave right away to get changed
All in all, fun was had by all.  The lack of sun did not keep us away from the beach!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Such Silly Kids

Easter Artwork at Trinity.  My Easter conversation with Carter:  Me: What is special about Easter? Carter: oh, we get lots of eggs with candy Me: well, what about Jesus?  Carter:  Oh yeah, he helps me find them.  I pray to him about it.

Auntie & Uncle brought these back from Japan for Beckett.

However, the older boys love to put it on and laugh at each other, over and over again.

This is when I was sick.  A scooter in my bathroom????  These boys got away with alot!!  Many many rules were broken.....that's how sick I was, it was horrible.

Uncle Justin brought his dog when he came to visit.  The boys are normally terrified of dogs but here they are taunting him, poor puppy

A visit from Justin and Kaufman

Reading with Noel

Getting ready for that really stressful playoff game

We love firestations and pancake breakfasts

Playing with cousins in Abbotsford.  The ears were pulled off the dalmation by the time the boys were done with it

Becks is rolling all over the place now

He is able to "army crawl" backwards

After his meal, Beckett typically spends the rest of the time in his high chair sideways until we all finish eating

Mother's Day Tea at St. Paul's

This is at a book signing at Village Books.  Carter would not let go of his book once it was signed by the author.  Easton was all about the cupcakes

This is what I got when I asked Carter to set the table for dinner

It is so funny and amusing what these boys come up with

This alien belongs to Easton. Somehow, a noodle flew over and landed on it...

Becks "walking" in the roundabout

We are at Fred Meyer's and this is my grocery cart.  Needless to say, I did NOT end up getting any groceries.  We did come home with a couple bags of toys though.